UMT United Mobility Technology AG postpones publication of the 2019 annual financial statements and date for the 2020 Annual General Meeting due to COVID-19 pandemic
UMT United Mobility Technology AG (UMT) postpones the publication of the audited annual financial statements for 2019.
The reasons for this are, against the background of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, time limitations and the resulting postponement of the audit schedule.
The publication of the annual financial statements is planned for the 3rd quarter of 2020.
According to current estimates, publication of the UMT Annual Report 2019 will also take place in the 3rd quarter of 2020 and will then be made available at in the Investor Relations section.
UMT’s Annual General Meeting 2020 will also be postponed against the background of existing bans on meetings in connection with the spread of the coronavirus. The Annual General Meeting was originally planned for July 2020. A new date will be set, taking into account the further course of the pandemic.
UMT asks its shareholders to inform themselves regularly on the company’s website about a possible new date and the course of the Annual General Meeting. The invitation to the Annual General Meeting will be issued in the usual manner.