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Document Processing with Artificial Intelligence

AI-supported document processing. Made in Germany.

1. Challenges

Every year, your company processes thousands of documents such as invoices, purchase orders, delivery notes, tenders, receipts, contracts, complaints, product certificates, communications, enquiries, HR information, pricing documents, and much more.

2. Task

  • Reduce document processing costs through automation.
  • Drastic reduction in processing time.
  • Seamless integration of data into existing systems.
  • Confident of handling growing volumes of documents for the future.

3. Our solution

UMT AI Vision, the AI-based automated document processing and analysis solution.

Gain a competitive advantage by automating and digitising your business processes.

Savings potential with UMT AI Vision

UMT AI Toolkits and Solutions

UMT AI Vision - Applications

A machine builder needs to match their orders with the subsequently received invoices item by item to automatically identify discrepancies in quantity, unit price, or delivery terms.

Solution: AI-enhanced software autonomously extracts data from the relevant invoices and cross-references it with the orders to identify any discrepancies. This data is then seamlessly integrated into the customer’s ERP system, complete with indications of any variances.

Benefit: The automation allows for a comparison between the invoice and the order to be completed in just a few seconds.

Customs Clearance: Preparing customs clearance documents requires several comparative steps. To date, the data has been manually compared and validated.

Solution: AI-supported software that scans product invoices, specified customs codes, and generated preliminary information, comparing them at every point. Any discrepancies are highlighted and elucidated.

Benefit: Automation reduces the time for each sentence comparison from approximately 10-15 minutes to under a minute.

Your use case
Together with you, we ask ourselves the following questions:

  • What types of documents are available? These may include invoices, delivery notes, transport orders, receipts, messages, orders, inquiries, offers, complaints, and contracts.
  • Documents can be received through various methods such as email, fax, handwritten notes, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, or directly from websites.
  • How many documents do you receive (per day/month/year)?
  • Information, data, and documents need to be automatically integrated into existing systems such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), proprietary systems, work management systems, and cloud or mobile-based applications.
  • Additional data operations for automation can include matching, summarization, automatic emailing, and alerts for deviations. These processes can streamline data management tasks, improve processing speed, enhance data accuracy, and reduce manual intervention.