UMT United Mobility Technology AG: Adopts cash and in-kind capital increase to finance growth and strengthen its capital base
The Management Board of UMT United Mobility Technology AG, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, resolved today to raise the company’s capital stock in the form of cash and in-kind contributions based on the resolution adopted at the shareholder meeting of 30 June 2017. The shares will be subscribed exclusively by SWM Treuhand AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Grünwald.
The capital stock is to be increased by EUR 1,223,380.00, from EUR 17,476,856.00 to EUR 18,700,236.00, through the issuance of 1,223,380 new no-par-value common bearer shares, with each share representing EUR 1.00 of the capital stock (the “New Shares”), in exchange for cash contributions. All shares will be offered to founding shareholder SWM Treuhand AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft via a private placement at an issue price of EUR 1.50 per share, and are participating in earnings as of the beginning of the financial year as soon as entered into the Commercial Register. The Management Board, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, has excluded shareholder preemption rights to these New Shares. The exclusion of preemption rights was possible because the capital increase comprises less than ten percent of the present capital stock.
The capital stock of UMT United Mobility Technology AG is to be raised by another EUR 2,333,333.00, to a total of EUR 21,033,569.00 through the issuance of 2,333,333 new no-par-value common bearer shares, each representing EUR 1.00 of the capital stock, in exchange for in-kind contributions. The issue price is to be EUR 1.50 for each New Share. Contributions for the New Shares are to be made not in cash but rather through the contribution of a loan claim of SWM Treuhand AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft in the amount of EUR 3,500,000.00 against UMT United Mobility Technology AG. Contribution of the loan claim will significantly reduce the company’s interest burden. The conversion of these claims against UMT United Mobility Technology AG into equity will be strengthening the company’s capital base in a lasting manner. The liabilities to shareholders will be reduced substantially and liquidity-neutral, the equity will increase significantly. The equity ratio of UMT United Mobility Technology AG will thereby be substantially increased to more than 95%. Since the capital increase is to be executed in exchange for an in-kind contribution, shareholder preemption rights have been excluded in accordance with the Articles of Association and the underlying shareholder resolution. The Management Board and the Supervisory Board have concluded, within the bounds of the resolution, that the opportunity to place the shares at a price of EUR 1.50 per share is in the company’s interest.